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Early Years 0-5 yrs

Who we see: We see babies and young children aged from birth up to starting school. This may include children with conditions which require shorter term input such as:

  • Concerns regarding head shape (Plagiocephaly)
  • Concerns regarding the way your child moves
  • Mild gross motor delay
  • Balance difficulties

And conditions which require longer term input such as:

  • Neurological conditions such as Cerebral palsy
  • Neuromuscular conditions
  • Global developmental delay
  • Brachial plexus injuries
  • Down’s Syndrome
  • Monitoring under the neonatal pathway (for preterm babies)

The aim of Physiotherapy is to help you support your child’s physical development.

Where do we see them:

Depending on your child’s needs, we will arrange to see them either at home or in clinic on the 4th floor of City of Coventry Health Centre. Once an initial assessment has been completed we will discuss where the next session, if needed, should take place. This could be at home, in clinic or at a nursery setting.


What will happen when we see the physio:

Assessments: We complete a variety of assessments including developmental, co-ordination and balance assessments and gait analysis.

Treatment: We discuss your concerns about your child’s development and physiotherapy needs and treat in a variety of ways. This can include one to one sessions in a variety of settings, such as home visits, clinic visits or nursery visits, or in a group environment at the City of Coventry Health Centre. We work in partnership with the educational services and other health professionals.


Here are some helpful links and leaflets:

sitting child with blocks
